Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the torture

I am currently obsessed with the grout on our floor. Our contractor had used the wrong grout color (Delorean Gray), took it out and replaced it with the Charcoal, the darkest one on the chart. But it seems uneven in its coloring. I don't know whether it's because the old grout is still there and that's what's showing through, or if because the grout just dries unevenly. But it goes from a pretty dark gray to light gray in some spots. Bollocks! It drives me mad. I was down on my hands and knees moaning over this grout! Something that I thought I would never do. Now, after the kitchen is installed, I'm considering using Aqua Mix Grout Colorant to get it a nice, dark and even charcoal color. I see more obsessions in my near future. Carry on.

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